
Companies which are in the process of setting up the factory for the Prefab MEP Modules Production. This certificate shall serve as a partial fulfillment for the full certification of the Prefabricated Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MEP) Manufacturer Accreditation Scheme. Company have to complete the full accreditation process by undergoing Prefab Module Production Audit.

Plant CategoryExpiry DateStatus
D-Team Engineering Pte Ltd
Distribution System31.01.2024EXPIRED
D-Team Engineering Pte Ltd
Plant Module 31.01.2024EXPIRED
Gammon Pte. Limited
Distribution System07.11.2021EXPIRED
KanDenKo Co., Ltd
Plant Category15.05.2024EXPIRED
KanDenKo Co., Ltd
Distribution System15.05.2024EXPIRED
Leng Aik Engineering Pte Ltd
Distribution System15.07.2024-
Lingjack Engineering Works Pte Ltd
Distribution System29.02.2024EXPIRED
M-Tech Air- Con & Security Engineering Pte Ltd
Distribution System15.05.2024EXPIRED